Doll Cabinet

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A Pullip, BJD and MH doll collectors blog, filled with tips, reviews and news.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Redo dolls hair without heat

Hello dolly lovers,
in this post I'd like to show you how you can untangle frizzy doll curls without using heat since heat often destroys artificial hair. It's easy and doesn't need a lot of things.

This is how my Pullips wig looked before the process:

And after the process:

All you need is:
- Water
- Fabric softener
- Spray bottle

Step 1: Mix warm (not hot!) water with a little bit (!) of fabric softener in the spray bottle.

Step 2: Take your doll or dolls wig and take a separate curl.

Step 3: Hold the curl on the hairline tightly between two fingers and pull your finger till the end so the curl looks straight (be careful!). Spray your mixture on the strand of hair. Do the process with your fingers again for a couple of times.

Step 4: Curl the strand of hair around your finger and hold for about 30 seconds.

Step 5: Drop the curl and repeat the process for all other curls.

Step 6: Enjoy your newly curled doll :)

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